About Us


The aim of CTI is to encourage member churches to work together towards the promotion of the Christian Gospel in Ilkley, West Yorkshire.

Membership is open to any church in Ilkley, whether credally-based or not (see below) whose national body is a member of Churches Together in England, or gives written consent to the Basis and Aims of CTI.CTI is in association with the West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council and, through them, with Churches Together in England.

CTI operates on the basis of a Forum of Representatives of the member churches and organisations. The Forum encourages and supports member churches in working together in ways appropriate to the task, the resources available and the tradition and ethos of each church. This Basis recognises three possible methods of sharing by those member churches participating in a task:

PARTNERSHIP: Churches working together, pooling resources and skills.

COORDINATION: Churches working independently, complementing each other.

REPRESENTATION: Churches trusting another church to do work on their behalf.

The various credal statements which form the tradition of most main stream Christian churches can be represented, in part at least, by the following:We believe in one God:

WHO made heaven and earth and all things;
WHO revealed Himself in Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God, incarnate, Who died for our sins and was raised to life on the third day by God;
WHO poured out His Spirit who interprets the things of Jesus and leads into all the truth thereby.

Confessing Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we acknowledge that as Christians we are called in Christ to walk together in love and obedience to God and to fulfil our God-given mission of proclaiming the Gospel and extending the Kingdom of God by witness and service in the world, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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